Want to get a little better with hammer ons and pull offs? Try playing the C major scale using hammer ons
and pull offs. Play a string and then play hammer ons on that string ascending until you get the high C
note (this is the first fret on the second-highest string). After you've reached the highest string, then
start descending while you play pull offs. Play slowly first to get the finger movements across frets
smooth. Once the hand holding the frets is comfortable, feel free to play around with the speed.
Now let's try a slide. Slides are basic guitar techniques found in many popular songs. Hold your finger
down on one string and play the note. Do not remove your finger from the fretboard. Move it up or down to
the desired fret without removing your finger from the guitar. If you see notation that says 5/7 then you
hold down the string on the fifth fret. Play the string and slide the finger up, stopping at the seventh
fret. You can also play 7/5; start at the seventh fret and slide to the fifth fret. The first slide is
ascending and the second slide is descending.
Slides are also sometimes written as 5\7 or 5s7.
This song is Dreams Never End by New Order. The intro involves a number of
slides. Try playing the intro below. Listen to the song
here. You can train your ears and come in
at the right moment to strike the strings. The piece below is played by the second guitar. The first guitar
plays the very first piece of the intro. Ignore that first section and only focus on the section below.
E-------------------------------------------------------| B-------------------------------------------------------| G-------------------------------------------------------| D-------------------------------------------------------| A-------------------------------------------------------| E-10-10-10\0---2-3\10---10-9--10\0------0------| E-----------------------------------------------------| B-----------------------------------------------------| G-----------------------------------------------------| D-12-11-11\2---4-4\12---12-11--11\2------2------| A-----------------------------------------------------| E-----------------------------------------------------|